Finding Alberta Beef
CLICK HERE OR ON THE RESOURCE IMAGES TO GO TO THE FINDING ALBERTA BEEF RESOURCES. This elementary program provides integrated mini units that centre on the importance of agriculture, specifically the impact that beef production has on Canadian and Alberta communities, individuals and quality of life. These resources are designed to support the competencies and specific learning outcomes in Alberta’s Kindergarten to Grade 5 Social Studies, Science and Health/Wellness programs of study. Many activities reinforce literacy and numeracy skills.

All for the Beef
CLICK HERE OR ON THE RESOURCE IMAGES TO GO TO THE ALL FOR THE BEEF PROGRAM. Alberta Beef’s All for the Beef program resources support Career and Technology Studies Fod2100 Basic Meat Cookery and includes approaches, strategies, tools, assessment and student learning support for both independent and classroom lab-based learning contexts.

Finding Alberta Beef
Teaching Resources provide teaching approaches and activities, as well as assessment supports correlated to curriculum outcomes and competencies. Suggestions for building competencies, literacy and numeracy and differentiating instruction are embedded throughout these resources. Approaches and activities in these teaching resources encourage students to develop understandings of the ways of life involved in raising cattle and contributing to Alberta’s and Canada’s food system while respecting the different choices that people make about their food.
Student Learning Pages are organized around conceptual knowledge and understandings and include information, active learning strategies and graphic organizers. Learning pages include fillable fields for student responses, allowing them to be saved in online classroom folders. The many authentic photos and stories used in the learning pages share the land, resources, experiences and stewardship that are part of Alberta cattle ranching and farming families.
Infographics provide a series of puzzle pieces with images, words, phrases and sentences. These puzzle pieces connect to the activities in the Learning Pages. They can be downloaded in letter or tabloid formats. An Infographic Template provides a simple format with fillable fields that students can use to create their own versions.
Supporting Resources are provided on this webpage. Scroll down to find additional videos and infographics.
Kindergarten and Grade 1
Finding Places and Stories
The Kindergarten/Grade 1 resources are designed around two guiding questions. What can we learn about land and place? How does the environment meet the needs of living things? Click the download buttons to access PDF teaching resources and student learning pages as well as the letter or tabloid format infographic or student template.
Grade 2 and Grade 3
Making Connections to Land and Environments
The Grade 2/Grade 3 resources are designed around three guiding questions. How are farmers and ranchers connected to land and place? Where does our food come from? How do cattle grow in Alberta environments? Click the download buttons to access PDF teaching resources and student learning pages as well as the letter or tabloid format infographic or student template.
Grade 4
Making Contributions to Environments and Communities
The Grade 4 resources are designed around three guiding questions. How do Alberta communities benefit from the contributions of farmers and ranchers? Where are ecosystems found on farms and ranches? What contributes to a healthy eating plan? Click the download buttons to access PDF teaching resources and student learning pages as well as the letter or tabloid format infographic or student template.
Grade 5
Finding Connections to Land, Agriculture and Ways of Life
The Grade 5 resources are designed around two guiding questions. How is agriculture interdependent with the environment? Why do healthy environments provide healthy food choices? Click the download buttons to access PDF teaching resources and student learning pages as well as the letter or tabloid format infographic or student template.
Supporting Resources
The following videos provide additional perspectives on cattle farming and ranching in Alberta and Canada. Many are referenced in some of the Finding Alberta Beef teaching resources. Preview these videos before sharing with students and select those segments that you feel are most appropriate and best support their learning.
These infographics can also be used to reinforce concepts, share facts and explore statistics with students. They can provide additional perspectives to support student learning or enhance your own background knowledge.
All for the Beef
- Marketplace information on beef cuts
- Prep skills for food ingredient and nutrition knowledge
- Culinary practice tips, strategies and video links for cooking and tenderizing beef
- Recipes that range from simple sloppy joes to beef satays, roasts, stroganoff and stir fries
- Chef skills for food safety

All for the Beef Teaching and Learning Resource
Download for teaching approaches, strategies, assessment tools and background information.
Explore Meat Cookery Student Sourcebook
Download this student sourcebook for learning handouts, beef production and cooking information, culinary practice recipes and graphic organizers.
Market Cards Sourcebook
Download cards that highlight cooking and tenderizing approaches for retail beef cuts.
Recipe Cards Sourcebook
Download the full collection of meat cookery recipe cards. Access each recipe separately in the grid below.
Chef Skills Sourcebook
Download for safe and sanitary kitchen working skills and practices.
All for the Beef Test Bank
Email Alberta Beef to request the test bank – including multiple choice, true/false and short answer questions – correlated to FOD2100 outcomes. This WORD document allows you to select and customize questions for your own quizzes and tests for part or all of the FOD2100 course. A teacher and student version will be provided.